more interviews with T. R. Miller (Cartoonist)
by Wim Boyler
  Once again I found myself in the lavishly annointed antechamber of the delightful and elegant Chez Luhey Mansion, with the world's foremost cartoonist of our time, Mr. T. R. Miller (Cartoonist). Outrageously, flamboyantly-attired — as usual — he had kindly arranged for me to present him with yet more probing questions regarding his life, his art, his dogs and the state of the world.
  Zen master of the terse answer, undisputed king of four dot ellipses and exclamation points, premier diplomate of Cartoonerama, Grand Wizard of Luhey-isms; all this and more was the mysterious dodgy, doggy 'toonist.
Generally speaking, I found him to be evasive, indirect, obtuse; it was often like "pulling teeth" to get Miller to elaborate upon his minimal responses. Occasionally, though, his answers shot out explosively, without any censorship or concern for propriety. One never knew what to expect from this Garden State Michelangelo.
With a bit of trepidation, I stubbed out my Honduran cigar, took a last sip of cognac and began the questioning. To use a horrible pun, it was "Miller time."


Sept. 7, 1996; Interview #2
WB: What do the initials "T.R." stand for?
TRM: I'd rather not tell you what my initials, T.R. stand for. I hope you'll overlook this! I feel this keeps me easier recognized than if I used my first name. I usually don't answer any personal questions, but since you're so kind & respectful I will!
WB: Are you single or married? Do you have any kids?
TRM: I'm not married & I have never been married! I have no children! I'm not looking to get married! If there are any other personal questions you would like to ask me, feel free to send them to me! I'll considar (sic) answering them! You're such a nice editor. And, obviously I'm flattered to be chosen as a featured cartoonist in your small press publication.
WB: What breed of dog is Luhey? And Willy?
TRM: My dogs are Maltese (I'm not sure I spelled this right), and Llapso-Apso (sic). Luhey is the Llapso-Apso! Willy is the maltese!
WB: What is the longest voyage you've ever made? I mean, what is the furthest distance you've ever travelled from home — and to where?
TRM: I'm not much of a traveler, Wim. I'm kind of a homebody! I live 45 minutes from the Jersey Shore, so that's my furthest travels!
WB: Since so many of your Luhey 'toons celebrate holidays, I'm wondering what your favorite holiday is?
TRM: My favorite holiday is Christmas & St. Patrick's Day....probably because my family celebrates them in grand fashion!
WB: What type of art supplies do you use when you're producing your cartoons?
TRM: My art supplies are simple: Black Felt Pen, & plain white paper!
WB: Do you like cats?
TRM: I'm not too crazy about cats!
WB: What made you decide to become a professional cartoonist? Are you happy with your decision?
TRM: I became a cartoonist because I luv to draw! Right now, I'm happy being a cartoonist!
(And this completed our second, historic interview. A gong sounded and moments later, T.R. was whisked away by an entourage of youthful, fashionably attired attendants, into an awaiting silver and pink Mercedes-Benz limousine. Truly he is a legendary and flamboyant gent, loved by all! A week later I again met with this old-fashioned and eminent icon of the small press network).